
Latest Crypto News: Kraken Gains Authorisation In Ireland, SafeMoon Hacker Agrees To Restore 80% Of Stolen Assets

Here are some of the major developments from the world of crypto over the past few days.


Latest Crypto News: Kraken Gains Authorisation In Ireland, SafeMoon Hacker Agrees To Restore 80% Of Stolen Assets

Ireland has granted authorisation to cryptocurrency exchange Kraken to be a virtual asset service provider (VASP) in the island nation.

The US-based cryptocurrency exchange received its VASP authorisation from the Central Bank of Ireland.

On April 18, 2023, the Central Bank of Ireland granted the VASP authorisation to Payward Europe Solutions, an Irish affiliate of Kraken with its headquarters in Dublin.

The VASP approval arrives just as Kraken needs it. The long-awaited Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) regulation will soon go to the EU for a final vote. The MiCA Act is anticipated to go through in view of the preliminary votes that revealed overwhelmingly bipartisan support.


If so, the ensuing modifications will call for any business acting as a CASP—a provider of crypto assets—in the EU to register with one of the union’s 27 authorised authorities.

SafeMoon Hacker Agrees To Restore 80% Of Stolen Assets

The hacker who broke into SafeMoon has agreed to restore 80 per cent of the stolen assets. The attacker will be allowed to keep the remaining 20 per cent of the exploited crypto, according to SafeMoon developers.

According to a Blockchain statement from the SafeMoon team on April 18, 2023 the attacker stole $8.9 million in Binance Coin BNB from SafeMoon.


A decentralised finance (DeFi) technology called SafeMoon operates on the BNB Chain. On March 28, 2023, there was a hack that cost 27,000 BNB, or $8.9 million, in total.

The SafeMoon Deployer account uploaded a transaction to the BNB network on April 18, 2023 at 1:19 PM UTC with the attacker’s address as the beneficiary. The transaction included the following coded message in 8-bit Unicode Transformation Format (UTF-8):

“SafeMoon has reached an agreement with the party currently holding the funds. Specifically, SafeMoon has agreed to accept 80 percent of the amount returned, with the other party retaining the balance as a bounty. SafeMoon has further agreed not to file any legal actions against them. After careful consideration of the circumstances, it is believed this is in the best interest of SafeMoon and the community.”

Unknown Bitcoin Indicator Indicates Start Of Major Bull Run

Blockchain analytics company Glassnode has said that Bitcoin’s (BTC) reserve-risk multiple has surpassed zero and turned positive for the first time since October 2021, and the “reserve-risk” indicator has been historically reliable.

A ‘bull run’ is defined as a period where most investors are buying, the demand outweighs supply, the market confidence is at a high, and prices are rising.

The beginning of a significant bull market has been indicated by the positive flip of a less well-known but historically dependable bitcoin price indicator.

According to Glassnode, price rallies that were parabolic were made possible by earlier crosses above zero. On-chain analyst Ali Martinez tweeted on Monday that “it resulted in gains of 2,830 per cent, 566 per ce








