
Teacher’s Day 2023: Famous Money And Investment Lessons From Finance Gurus

Some of the most eminent men in the world of finance have given us pearls of wisdom that we can follow when investing or managing money. We take a look at a few of them


Teacher’s Day 2023: Famous Money And Investment Lessons From Finance Gurus

The world of investing and finance has been shaped by the wisdom and insights of legendary investors who have achieved remarkable success in the financial markets. Their teachings continue to guide and inspire both novice and seasoned investors alike.

Here we will delve into the money teachings of five such prominent investors, each offering unique perspectives on wealth creation and financial management.

Warren Buffett – “Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful”

Warren Buffett, often referred to as the “Oracle of Omaha”, is undoubtedly the most celebrated investor in history. His teachings emphasise the importance of a long-term investment approach. He famously advises, “Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful”, highlighting the value of contrarian thinking.


Buffett also stresses on the significance of investing in quality businesses with sustainable competitive advantages, and has famously stated: “Buy wonderful businesses at a fair price rather than fair businesses at a wonderful price.”

His patient and disciplined approach to investing has earned him a reputation as one of the greatest investors of all time.

Benjamin Graham – “The stock market is not a lottery ticket. It’s a weighing machine”

Benjamin Graham is often regarded as the father of value investing, and his teachings have had a profound impact on the investment world. Graham emphasises the importance of intrinsic value and a margin of safety when making investment decisions. He famously stated, “The stock market is not a lottery ticket. It’s a weighing machine.”


This underscores the need for investors to focus on the fundamentals of a company and not engage in speculative behaviour. Graham’s emphasis on rationality and discipline has made his principles timeless and invaluable to investors.

Peter Lynch – “Invest in what you know”

Legendary investor Peter Lynch is an advocate of common-sense investing. He taught a valuable lessons in investing, emphasising on the importance of thorough research and understanding a company before investing in it.

His “buy what you know” approach encouraged individuals to invest in familiar industries.

Lynch also stressed on the significance of long-term investing while avoiding timing the market. He believed in holding on to strong, well-researched investments even during market fluctuations. Lynch’s success showed that individual investors could outperform professionals with a disciplined and patient approach to stock picking.

Robert T. Kiyosaki: “Learn to use your emotions to think, not think with your emotions”

Robert T. Kiyosaki, an acclaimed author and financial educator, is renowned for his insightful teachings on personal finance and wealth building. His bestseller book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, challenges conventional financial wisdom.

Kiyosaki stresses on the importance of financial education, assets over liabilities, and the need to develop multiple income streams.

He encourages individuals to think like investors and entrepreneurs rather than relying solely on traditional employment. Kiyosaki’s lessons have empowered countless individuals to take control of their financial destinies and strive for financial independence.

Napoleon Hill: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”

Napoleon Hill’s financial teachings in his book, “Think and Grow Rich” revolve around the idea that a strong, positive mindset and unwavering persistence are keys to achieving financial success. He emphasises on the importance of setting clear financial goals and developing a detailed plan for wealth accumulation.


Hill’s work has inspired countless individuals to adopt a success-oriented mindset and take strategic steps toward their financial aspirations, making him a revered figure in the realm of personal finance and self-improvement.







