
Buy a house without a home loan

This dream can come true without a home loan


Buy a house without a home loan

Don’t be taken aback by the size of the book. At 46 pages, it looks more like a booklet than a book. The no-nonsense approach is something that the book sticks to from the start with a different approach to buying a house than what many are used to— by borrowing heavily to fund one of the most chased financial dreams of almost every Indian.

Early on in the book, Arun clearly showcases the comparison between investing in mutual funds and real estate. One may wonder why mutual funds, but that is precisely what you will get to read about in the book. The comparisons on servicing a loan versus investing in mutual funds should motivate several readers to consider this point of view to invest and then buy a house than blindly chase the home loan to fulfill your dreams. There is nothing wrong in borrowing money to fund a house of your dreams, but the side effect of the home loan in many cases tends to result in difficulty in managing life’s other financial goals that maybe just round the corner.


Arun has written the book in a simple and easy language and more as a friend than an instructor, making it give the feel of a guide than an instruction manual. You will find the book useful to start investing in mutual funds with the examples and details it shares about investing.







