Can my travel insurance be extended while travelling abroad?

You can extend your travel insurance policy online from anywhere in the world


Can my travel insurance be extended while travelling abroad?

I am a senior citizen going to US. I want to take a travel insurance plan. Can travel insurance be extended while travelling abroad?

Sriman Kumar, Vizag

You can extend your travel insurance policy online from anywhere in the world. If you are a senior citizen wishing to extend the cover, you might be required to furnish a fresh set of medical reports. Normally travel policies are available for a period of 180 days therefore, if the program is uncertain, It is always best to buy a travel policy for maximum period. Extensions on your travel insurance policy depend on the terms and conditions of the insurance company, and you might not get the extension. In case you decide to return early, you can always claim a refund provided the unutilised period is 30 days or more.


For instance, if you purchase a policy with an initial duration of six months but decide to come back in four months, you can get the refund of premium for the unused policy duration which is two months. A multiple trip travel insurance policy covers you for several trips; the insurance cover is valid for one year from the start date of the policy. You have usually two choices of maximum duration per trip – 30 days and 45 days.







