
Kids’ Fashion Start-Up Littleens Raises Funds for Covid Relief

Sales proceeds will be donated to Akshay Patra Foundation for the help of marginalised and low-income families


Kids’ Fashion Start-Up Littleens Raises Funds for Covid Relief

Conceptualized around the idea of slow fashion with a low carbon footprint, Littleens creates outfits for children using sustainable materials such as bamboo, soy, eri silk, and more. And now, despite it being a start-up, Littleens has joined hands with the Akshaya Patra Foundation to raise funds for Covid-19 relief. The fact that Littleens was still in its nascent stages of business, did not faze Mitali. 

 With the onset of the second wave of the pandemic, she decided that start-up or not, her brand would be one among the few to make a difference. Mitali decided to launch a Covid-19 relief drive in Jaipur along with the Akshay Patra Foundation, to provide food and necessities to those in need. Between May 5, 2021, to May 15, 2021, Littleens will be running this fundraiser, with 100 per cent of its sales proceeds being donated to the marginalised and low-income segments of society, from migrant labourers to daily wage workers.


 Mitali adds, “If this pandemic has taught us one thing, it is to extend help to those in need, especially when we’re in the comfort of our homes. Through this fundraiser, we have also ensured that those who are merely looking to donate and not purchase, can do so through the Littleens website, which is also doubling as a platform to gather funds. As a sustainable fashion brand, not only is it my duty to look out for the environment, but also for the people inhabiting it.”







