
India Inc Goes All Out to Stand by Covid-ravaged Families

Survey shows positive response after initiative by corporates to provide lifelong financial aid due to the pandemic


India Inc Goes All Out to Stand by Covid-ravaged Families

India was just recovering from the impact of the first wave of the pandemic and gaining momentum during the first quarter of 2021. However, the country's disastrous second wave has had still another impact on the country and its people. Many lost jobs, lives, and livelihoods. During such times, many companies and organization came forward with Covid-specific initiatives and CSR approach to support their employees, a family of employees and the community at large.

To measure the impact of such initiatives in the mind of the people and their lives, Genius Consultants Ltd, a HR and recruitment firm did a national survey. According to the survey, all 100 per cent of responders believe that the initiative by corporate to provide life–long financial aid or taking care of the family of a deceased employee due to Covid-19 is a philanthropic benchmark created in the society


When the daily caseload pressurised the medical health workers and the unavailability of resources, various corporates came up with makeshift hospitals for the commoners to have medical aid on time. Around 80 per cent of responders believe that such initiatives by corporate eased the fight against Covid-19 or aided as a backup for the ‘stressed’ healthcare infrastructure in India.

When asked whether the continuous efforts by corporate houses with CSR initiatives help India to recover economy in the long run, 80 per cent of the responders were optimistic and believed the same. All the participants believe that corporate signing up for such CSR acts are genuinely interested in serving society and not just doing to “join the bandwagon of the campaign” and showcase to win any awards.


Mr. R P Yadav, CMD, Genius Consultants Ltd. commenting on the survey said “The second wave had a huge impact on our nation’s healthcare system. The COVID-specific CSR initiatives by the corporate came as an aid and relief to the people. These steps have helped build relations with people and companies.

He concluded “The survey was conducted in an attempt to understand the impact and social effect of Covid 19 specific CSR and employee welfare initiatives. These kinds of philanthropic approaches have created a positive impact in the mind of the employees, their families, and the community about the corporate, which helps in boosting the morale of the companies as well.”







