
Bibek Debroy’s money mantra

Outlook Money brings you the views on money matters from some of India's most influential people


Bibek Debroy’s money mantra

From achievers to leaders to the glamorous, in this web series, Outlook Money brings you the views on money matters from some of India’s most influential. Several of the New Year’s resolutions made this year may have been already broken. But who says you need to wait for planetary revolution to make new decisions that can make tomorrow slightly better than today? Inspiration can come from anyone at anytime. These individuals, each a leader in their respective field, talks about their life, both financial and personal, and lets us know what it takes to make it big in this beautifully scary world. We hope their wisdom empowers you to know how to better secure your financial future.


No pain no gain

Bibek Debroy, the Cambridge-educated Indian economist has been serving the country as an academic, researcher and policy maker. For his contributions, the nation bestowed him with a Padma Shri, India’s fourth-highest civilian award in the year 2015. Currently, he is a member of Niti Ayog and is highly articulate on money matters.

Sharing his money wisdom with the rest of the world he says,“You cannot have high returns without high risk. This expectation that there will be high returns and low risk is not just possible.”

He goes on to say that one should always handle money as per one’s risk appetite. “Depending on your appetite for risk- and if you are young you might have a higher appetite- you can opt for riskier products, but under no circumstances believe that such high returns are possible with low risk.” He thinks that the moral of the story for everyone- young or old- is obvious yet people often tend to overlook this.


He says his most precious possession is his eyesight and certainly it’s not something that money can buy!







