
Are You A Single Woman In Your 30s? Here's How To Plan For Your Financial Security

Efficient money management is a vital skill, especially for single women. It's because they have to achieve their financial goals independently.


Are You A Single Woman In Your 30s? Here's How To Plan For Your Financial Security

In recent years, India has witnessed a remarkable shift in social values, mainly concerning women's roles and aspirations. Consequently, a major trend is gradually emerging. A growing number of single women in their 30s are opting for paths less travelled, focusing on forging independent careers and pursuing higher studies while sidestepping the traditional course of early marriage. This evolution signifies a profound transformation in women's personal and financial choices. As these empowered individuals embark on journeys of self-discovery, career growth, and academic pursuits, it becomes crucial to steer these uncharted waters with prudent financial planning and security in mind.

While embracing singlehood and dedicating years to education and career advancement, these women are rewriting the narrative of marriage and domesticity. Their aspirations extend beyond societal expectations, mirroring a global trend of women asserting their autonomy and striving for multifaceted fulfilment. In this pursuit, financial planning emerges as a cornerstone of their journey, offering the means to safeguard against uncertainties and providing the resources needed to accomplish their ambitions.


Initiating your investment journey can be as elementary as beginning with a 'gullak' or a piggy bank, a practice resonating with the significance of 'Lakshmi' in Hindu culture. This modest step embodies the essence of disciplined saving within a household. Just as the piggy bank accumulates coins, you can also cultivate a habit of setting aside small amounts regularly. This rudimentary approach establishes the foundation for more sophisticated investment strategies. By embracing this tradition, you not only pay homage to cultural values but also embark on a path of financial empowerment and prudent money management.

Says Dilshad Billimoria, a Sebi RIA and managing director and principal officer, Dilzer Consultants, a financial planning firm: "Many single women in their early 30s have chosen to be independent, earn a living, and stand on their own feet. Therefore, their priorities are career growth, travel, and higher studies. Such women need to also plan for their finances by having an emergency fund, a health insurance plan, and a plan for their retirement. If they plan to take a sabbatical for higher studies, there needs to be a monthly income planned to bridge the salary gap to cater to lifestyle and living expenses."


“All this needs planning, and it's important they have a comprehensive financial plan in place to cater to the above requirements, including planning for aged parents’ health care fund," she adds.

Here are ways single women can plan their finances to be able to live a fulfilling and worry-free life:

Set Clear Financial Goals: Define short-term and long-term financial goals. These could include building an emergency fund, saving for higher education, buying a house, retirement planning, etc. Setting clear financial goals is pivotal for single women in their 30s pursuing independent careers and studies. Short-term objectives, such as building an emergency fund to cushion against unexpected events like medical emergencies or job loss, ensure stability. Long-term goals provide direction and purpose, including saving for higher education or homeownership. Retirement planning through accounts like the Provident Fund or PPF guarantees post-work security. Diversifying investments into stocks, mutual funds, and fixed deposits can enhance wealth over time. Allocating funds for enriching experiences, travel, and even philanthropy cultivates a balanced and fulfilling life. These meticulously outlined goals empower women to go through their financial journey confidently, aligning their aspirations with tangible strategies for success and security.

Create A Budget: "The first thing to do is to budget. Ensure there is no leakage. Money in hand can make you spend excessively and unnecessarily. Spend on things consciously so these are the things you want, not just to satisfy cravings," says Shweta Jain, Founder of Investography, a financial planning firm. Crafting a practical budget allows them to monitor both income and expenditures meticulously. This disciplined approach not only ensures prudent spending but also illuminates potential avenues for savings. By meticulously tracking every rupee, they can discern patterns, curb unnecessary expenses, and allocate resources strategically. Moreover, a well-structured budget safeguards against accumulating avoidable debt, fostering financial freedom and stability. They can also use calculators as and when necessary to plan better.


Emergency Fund: A robust emergency fund is essential for single women charting independent paths. Building a fund encompassing three to six months' living expenses provides a vital safety net against unforeseen circumstances, such as medical emergencies or unexpected job loss. This financial cushion shields them from the immediate impact of crises, allowing them time to regroup without resorting to debt or compromising financial stability. The emergency fund is a cornerstone of preparedness, instilling a sense of security and confidence as these women venture forward, knowing they possess a solid foundation to weather life's uncertainties.

Health Insurance: Investing in a comprehensive health insurance policy is vital for single women forging their independent paths. The complexity of modern healthcare demands a safeguard against potential financial upheaval due to medical emergencies. A robust health insurance plan acts as a shield, absorbing the brunt of unexpected medical expenses and preventing the depletion of hard-earned savings. When these women get health insurance early on, they strengthen their financial situation. This helps them get good medical care without worrying about money. Planning like this gives them the confidence to chase their dreams without the stress of unexpected medical costs affecting them.


According to financial planners, one common recommendation is to begin with the most basic form of insurance when starting out. "In the realm of health insurance, there's a multitude of intricate plans available, but it's advisable to opt for straightforward, fundamental coverage initially. Additionally, consider adding supplementary riders to tailor the policy to your needs. For instance, if there's a family history of certain illnesses or potential health vulnerabilities down the line, attaching additional riders for those scenarios is prudent. Insurance undoubtedly

incurs expenses; thus, it's imperative to strike a balance – acquiring adequate coverage without unnecessary excess or shortfall. Mindful selection and customization of insurance plans are key factors in this equation," says Renu Maheshwari, chief executive officer, and principal advisor, Finzscholarz Wealth Manager and a Sebi-registered investment advisor:


Life Insurance: Life insurance is a crucial consideration, mainly if people depend on it or loans that need to be managed in case something happens to them unexpectedly. By having a life insurance policy in place, a single woman can provide a safety net for her loved ones and ensure that her financial responsibilities won't burden them if she's not there. It's a responsible step that offers peace of mind, knowing that even in difficult times, her family's financial stability and well-being will be taken care of.

Make Smart Investment Choices With Your Money: "Be smart and invest. Don't wait for a knight in shining armour, be your own knight. Save and invest. Invest for the long-term, and take risks earlier in life so there's enough time for them to pay off. Don't fall for safe and secure investments. Everything has a cost, so be ready," says Jain.


Learn about different investing methods, like mutual funds, stocks, fixed deposits, and government plans. To stay safe and have the chance to make more money, single women must spread out their investments. They can split their assets into stocks, savings, and gold. Mutual funds can help with all of this. They can start small, even with just Rs 100 per month. For safety, they might begin with savings like fixed deposits. As they feel more confident, they can move to debt mutual funds and adjust their investments based on their goals. For long-term goals, they should think about investing in stocks. They could set aside around 10 per cent of their income in mutual funds. Over time, as they get more comfortable, they can save for bigger goals and even invest in gold, which helps keep their investments steady.


Higher Education Funding: If higher education is part of the journey, be it pursuing an advanced degree or enrolling in specialized courses, earmarking funds for this is vital. Researching scholarships, grants, and education loans tailored to women's empowerment can help offset the financial burden of education while advancing career prospects.

Homeownership Aspirations: Owning a home is a significant milestone for many. If it aligns with their life goals, single women can set aside funds for a down payment or invest in government schemes that support first-time homebuyers. Balancing aspirations with financial feasibility is crucial, and thorough research can reveal viable pathways to homeownership.


Retirement Planning: While retirement might seem distant, starting early is critical to ensuring a comfortable post-work life. Single women can establish retirement accounts like the Provident Fund (PF) or Public Provident Fund (PPF) to accumulate funds over the years. The power of compounding interest can significantly boost savings, allowing them to maintain their quality of life even after they retire.

Travel and Experiences: Alongside financial security, setting aside resources for travel and enriching experiences can foster personal growth and well-being. These pursuits contribute to a balanced life and reinforce the notion that financial planning is not solely about restrictions but also about enhancing life's journey.


Proper handling of money you inherit is crucial, especially for single women. When you inherit money, you have a chance to make your life better, but you also need to be careful. It's like driving a ship in the right direction to stay safe and reach your goals. You should consider where to put the money, like in stocks or real estate, and not spend it all. Making a plan for who gets the money later is also an intelligent decision.

Getting financially stronger starts with small actions. Interestingly, women are often better at managing money than men. These little steps can lead to bigger plans that shape their financial future. Knowing that women are naturally good at handling money highlights their ability to grow and be secure. With this strength, women can confidently manage their money and build a better future for themselves and those around them.








