Photo: Space For Headline


Age: 75, Mumbai

Veena retired as a banker after 30 years of work. At age 65, she pursued a diploma in dance movement therapy at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Now a certified therapist at 71, Veena continues to conduct awareness programs and workshops, working with special children and senior citizens, and finds great fulfilment in her new vocation.


Age: 62, Ernakulum

At 62, Ofera from Ernakulum in Kerala exemplifies how life-long learning can enrich one's quality of life in each stage. She takes online classes and uses dance, art, and cultural exchanges to give direction to her creativity. She has come a long way from the time when shyness prevented her from exploring her hobbies.



Age: 55, Pune

Anita is an English literature graduate with a background in administration and event management. Now, she works as a community manager at GetSetUp, runs a voluntary service for the underprivileged, and works with a local counselling helpline. Her interests range wide, from poetry and travelling to theology.


Age: 72, Chennai

When Roda looks back on her athletic journey, she sees a lifetime of sports woven through the decades. Originating from a rowing lineage in Chennai with her brothers becoming champions at the Madras Boat Club and winning numerous trophies across cities, Roda excelled in running and ball games through school and college, captaining teams to victory. Prompted by a sports-loving friend, she took up athletics training at 65.


Ajay & Anjoo

Age: 66, 58 Mumbai

Ajay is a retired finance professional with 40 years of corporate experience. Anjoo has been a banker for 15 years. Ajay now spends his time mentoring finance professionals. He is also passionate about cricket, Indian history, and retro Hindi film music. Anjoo, on the other hand, has been leading a large health educational library for the last 15 years that aims at helping people make informed choices on their health.


Age: 62, Mumbai

After working as a designer for over 20 years, Maryam decided to retire and pursue her long-cherished passion. Now, at 62, she indulges herself through daily walks, learning new recipes by watching online cooking shows and classes, while also planning for
her next travel destination.

Source: GetSetUp for these six profiles; Only first names have been used for privacy reasons









