02 January 2021

Wealth In Wellness

Lachmi Deb Roy
When actor-turned-entrepreneur Pooja Bedi earned her first pay-cheque in 1989—a princely amount of Rs 25,000 back then—she was just 19. It was the signing amount for her first film. She had a zillion things in mind to buy. However, her mother, a savvy investor, would have none of it! Pooja recalls, “Much to my dismay she marched me off to Jehangir Art Gallery and told me I must learn the importance of investment. That Ambadas Gade painting, now valued at over Rs 30 lakh, still hangs in my living room as a vivid reminder of how important it is to invest wisely.” Initially, she started with systematic investment plan and invested in mutual funds and some blue-chip companies. “I was a class topper and my original ambition was to be on Wall Street, amidst the movers and shakers of financial world. The market was on an upswing and it was great going for me. A...
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