15 July 2019

Venture Capital: The New Bet

Sunil Goyal
Traditional investment avenues such as stocks, mutual funds, gold, real estate have been long loved by High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs). However, in the last few years, with real estate losing its sheen, debt mutual funds going down and inherent volatility in the markets, investors are looking at alternate asset classes for higher returns. Over the last few years, venture capital has attracted more interest as investors started talking about a few hundred thousands turning into millions and sometimes even billions. Holding the baton were the poster boys of the e-commerce industry who hit the headlines with astonishing valuations that rewarded the patience of angel investors. These were new, but for some, unconventional investment assets called venture capital and its returns became too big to ignore. This caught everyone’s attention, especially the rich who saw this as a new area...
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