03 October 2023

Treading The Fine Balance Between Spending And Saving

Meghna Maiti
Diwali is among the biggest of festivals that Indians celebrate, but it is actually the culmination of a series of festivals that starts with Onam, Raksha Bandhan, Janmashtami, the Navratras and Durga Puja. This year, the festive season started early when Chandrayaan-3 reached the moon on August 23, 2023, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. When it comes to festivals, Indians go all out to add colour and zing to the celebrations. From shopping for new clothes and home décor to indulging in sumptuous feasts and exchanging gifts, the expenses can pile up rather quickly. This year is expected to be no different. According to the India Consumer Sentiment Index (CSI) report by Axis My India, a consumer data intelligence company, 23 per cent of respondents plan to shop more during the festive period as compared to last year and 28 per cent intend to maintain their spending...
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