01 March 2021

The Famous Five Behold Mapping The Road Ahead

Subhalakshmi Dey
Ray Dalio Founder, Co-Chief Investment Officer and Co-Chairman, Bridgewater Associates Think of currency more than assets Investors devote a lot of attention to their asset allocation and not enough to their currency allocation. Currency depreciation is a desirable and hidden way to deal with a debt problem. Nobody actually says who’s paying the price. A currency decline is stimulative for the local economy and drives asset prices up; the wealth destruction is indirect. This is a big deal. Karin Risi Managing Director, Vanguard Have the right allocation to stocks at every age Benchmarks and trends are useful tools. But what’s most important is that we can use the information to enable investors to make the best decisions for their goals. Have the right allocation of stocks at every age, the appropriate mix of index and active strategies, and the right level of support when...
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