31 October 2022

Tata Motors’ Range Of Trucks: Leading Ahead Towards A Safer Era Of Mobility

OLM Desk
Spanning over five million kilometres, Indian roads comprise one of the largest transportation networks in the world, carrying 90% of country’s passenger traffic and 60% of its goods. The goods movement between hubs are performed by heavy duty trucks enabling logistics and construction, forming the backbone of this industry. Making this millions of miles of material movement safe and smooth for both people and the goods is very vital; and the industry pioneers, like Tata Motors, are taking lead in making this happen. The 2020 report of the Ministry of Roads, Transportation and Highways point to the grave threats posed by accidents. In 2020 alone, India recorded over 360,000 road accidents, claiming nearly 130,000 lives. The journey towards expanding on-road safety, guided by the Indian government’s “4-Es” strategy, namely Education, Engineering (of both roads and...
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