05 February 2022

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OLM Desk
Master The Tax-Saving Game I have been paying taxes for around 25 years now and have come to the realisation that one should focus more on the returns of an investment rather than its taxation level. This is because the exemptions and the deductions allowed are too less to bother about too much. Of course, if someone is just starting off in their career, then it is important that they study their investments properly and understand the tax outgo that each has. However, with increased income and more responsibilities, the attention that can be paid to taxation becomes very little and the sole purpose of a good investment is the returns that it gives. The tax benefits are too little to count. Sonali Khatri Buy Now But Know How Much You’ll Pay Later New financial instruments take time to settle. There are always teething problems, which get resolved over time. The same is with the...
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