01 October 2021

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OLM Desk
Start-Up to a Trillion-Dollar Dream There have been several articles on how India as a country is embracing the start-up ecosystem but very few talk about how its growth was aided by a huge untapped market. With smartphones penetrating deeper into rural India at a faster clip by the day, the country has emerged as having the second-largest internet user base after China. And definitely, it was amplified by the pandemic when many chose to become entrepreneurs. It is commendable how the article sheds light on these factors. I would like to know its road ahead and the opportunities they are providing to the freshers. Trina Das, Kolkata Herculean Power of Narration I had a great time reading this very unique story on narration. I liked how it began with Hopkins, cave paintings, and gradually navigated to venture capitalists and investments. The author has shown us a new perspective on...
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