30 December 2022

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OLM Desk
Insulated Markets The high-interest rate environment and market volatility have surely aroused investors’ curiosity about the future. Yet, the situation they confront offers comfort in the hope that debt instruments will come to their rescue as return expectations are becoming muted in the equity space. Markets Insulated, Multi-Assets New Flavour captured these sentiments well. Although I factored in volatility in my investments, I hadn’t quite thought about a rate-focused strategy until I came across this article. Most of my funds are for the long term. However, after reading the article, I feel inspired by the prospects opened up by the high-rate regime waiting to be explored. Instruments like floating rate and low-duration funds, besides debt and multi-asset plans, would be worth exploring. But given the market undercurrents, I might consider a floating rate fund or a...
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