29 August 2021

Systematically Designed For You

Manik Kumar Malakar
SIP is theoretically an acronym that stands for Systematic Investment Plan or a regular investment into an asset like mutual funds (MF). However, at a more transcendent level, they teach you discipline, planning, and organisation. And as a possible cherry on the cake, SIPs may help you beat the headaches associated with equity market ups and downs. “The systematic investment plan is a Godsend to those who wish to multiply their wealth intelligently and efficiently, without putting too much of it at stake at any given time,” says Arun Kumar, Head of Research, FundsIndia. Many investors prefer the SIP route because they do not have to monitor the market closely, it lowers the investment requirement and helps develop a habit of saving frequently, notes Anurag Garg, CEO and CO-Founder, Nivesh.com. And this stake at risk is perhaps the operative phrase. There is a considerable...
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