28 April 2022

Social Media Provides Superficial Knowledge On Insurance

OLM Desk
Queries Sandeep Singh I consume a lot of product information on my social media feed, particularly on Instagram. How do I make sure that I have relevant insurance product information popping on my feed regularly so that I stay up to date? Social media irrefutably takes up a lot of screen time for Gen-Zers, but it is important to be cognisant that the likes of Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat are highly visually motivated, and only deliver textual information in a broad, generic, and superficial manner. Insurance policies, by design, require time and patience to go through and study, and the best way to get the latest information would always be to refer to the insurer’s website, and read about the policies carefully. The limited extent to which social media can help is to let you know that a new insurance product has been launched. Also, not all insurance companies are uniformly...
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