27 February 2023

Self-Reliance Is The Most Powerful Attitude For Women To Have

Nidhi Sinha
Priya Sunder Co-founder and director, PeakAlpha Investment ServicesAssets Under Advice Rs 1,300 crore; 5,000 clients, 1,000 families Practising Since 2006 *** Though there are fewer women who participate in financial conversations compared to men, but those who do have an innate capacity of understanding the crux of goal-based planning. Priya Sunder, co-founder and director, PeakAlpha Investment Services, has experienced that several times during her about two-decade experience in the advisory space. One of her clients once asked her in a review meeting why the family portfolio was not in sync with the current stock market valuations, a common question she encounters from men. In the same conversation, the spouse intervened to say that didn’t really matter because their son’s education goal got met, and the fund meant for it was protected against the vagaries of the...
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