15 July 2019

Saving While Spending: Is That A Real Thing?

Do not save what is left after spending; instead spend what is left after saving’ — Warren Buffet While it is an exceptional advice from the “Oracle of Omaha” and something that everyone must do, this article takes it beyond the much-talked-about “saving before spending” principle and forays into the new age idea of “saving while spending.” These are the savings that one can accumulate throughout the month and are, of course, over what one has already set aside at the beginning of the month as advised by Buffet. We are talking about the art of using deals, discounts, cashbacks and other offers to save some extra bucks  every month. From groceries to movie tickets, phone and utility bills to spending on fuel and eating out: there are discount and cashback deals available for almost every purchase one makes throughout the month. Then...
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