02 August 2019

Refashioning Finance in India

Deepika Asthana
From angootha-chaap to verifying everything with your thumb—the journey of an average Indian has come a full circle. Today, we can purchase groceries, get investment advice, buy investment products, buy insurance and even avail credit, online. Nearly every aspect of our daily activities can be conducted digitally, slowly making documentation and physical presence, relics of the past. All of this is being enabled by technological innovation, which has pervaded every nook and cranny of  our lives. The fact that you cannot listen to the radio without hearing the line Paytm karo atleast once, is a testament to the pervasiveness of fintech in India. The financial services sector, which has been relatively slow in the adoption of technology, has now suddenly taken to it like fish to water. A huge opportunity lies at this crossroads of finance and technology. And that opportunity is...
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