30 April 2023

Picking The First Signs

Nidhi Sinha
May is for mangoes. The first variety you spot in Delhi is usually the Safedas, liked best for the shakes they whip up. Himsagar, Suvernarekha, Kesar are some of the other varieties spotted early in the season. The mid-mango season is when the more sophisticated varieties such as Alphonso, Banganapalli, Dussehri and Langda hit the market. Others like Fazli and Chausa follow late in the season. These are just a few varieties within a single family of fruit; there are multiple other fruits, each of which may have different varieties and tastes depending on which part of India you reside in. But every season is dominated by only a few of these, like mangoes and lichis in the summers, and oranges and berries in the winters. The universe of stocks is no different. There are a multitude of stocks available across various sectors, each of which emerges cyclically or seasonally, and...
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