28 March 2019

Perils That Come With Debit Cards

Himali Patel
Your ATM or debit card is perhaps the most important and most used document that you carry in your wallet. From withdrawing cash to paying at retail outlets or even online shopping, it has completely changed the way we transact. However, using a debit card comes with its share of perils too. All of us have faced instances where transactions have been declined or cash has not been disbursed but the amount has been debited or the automated teller machine failing to read the card. Fortunately, such matters can be resolved if one follows a few simple steps and lodges a complaint in case money has been deducted wrongly. That said, RBI in its December 2018 report (trends and progress of banking in India) highlighted that the number of queries related to debit cards to Banking Ombudsman increased to 24,672 for June-July 2018 as compared to 16,434 over the same period in 2017. However, it also...
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