20 October 2019

Paving New Protocols For Investors

Ajay Bagga
As we near the end of the second decade of the 21st century, investors struggle with a rapidly changing world. Looking at the cutting edge research on various aspects of financial planning and investment management, we offer a 21st century success recipe for investors. Longevity: Life spans are rapidly increasing with improved access to healthcare facilities. Immortality theorists are opining that by 2047, the human race would have reached the option of immortality. The very meaning of being human will change and investment maxims have to keep pace. Indexing and index fund investments offer a low cost, high probability of success alternative, in an era of unpredictable changes. This is a simple, cost effective and diversified strategy to flow with the winners and  to cut the losers from portfolios. Universal Basic Income and Welfare Statism: As technology takes over a pervasive...
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