28 July 2022

Of Freedom And Goals

Nidhi Sinha
India celebrates its 75th Independence Day with Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Over the years, the idea of freedom has never been so open to different interpretations as it is now. It has come to mean different things for different sets of people, believers, investors, consumers, or call them what you may. One person’s freedom may shackle another, and vice-versa. Similarly, your idea of financial freedom may create problems for another, in this case your family and loved ones. Or for another time, which you may be unable to foresee through the rose-tinted glasses of financial freedom that you prefer to wear now. But try to see more clearly, and things can fall into place, with a little effort, of course. It’s one thing to want to be free, it’s quite another to fight to attain it and be able to live it up. “…Freedom is never free. You have to fight for it. Work...
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