07 November 2019

New Beginnings Mean Refreshed Hopes

Anagh Pal
Searching for balance in life can be one of the most difficult tasks. However, we all strive to do that and that often demands taking harsh decisions like moving away from family. Often a better opportunity in terms of education or employment makes relocating to a new city necessary. While moving cities as a bachelor is pretty easy, once someone is married and has a family to take care of, relocating can be a tad bit complicated. However, if the need arises, one has to do it. And there are certain factors to consider  before relocating.  Let us consider some of these factors. The first factor is the cost of living in the new city. For example, since Mumbai or Bengaluru would be more expensive than Kolkata, rental values of property will be a major factor. How much can you afford for rent? “When renting an apartment, there is also the requirement for a security deposit....
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