01 May 2019

Making Dreams Happen

Anant Ladha
Financial planning is one thing which is required at each and every stage of life. It is always beneficial if we start managing our finances from a very young age, but as rightly said, it is never too late to start a good thing. My friend introduced me to his uncle’s family from Bhilai, Devendra Jain, 46, and his wife Priti Jain, who are accounts and tax consultants. Together they earn around Rs 16 lakh per annum. The couple has their own house and office premises. Devendra has insurance cover of `1 crore and a mediclaim policy of Rs 5 lakh (family floater). The family has some goals in mind but have no plan of action. So the first thing would be to pen down the goals. Once the goals are decided, half the task is done. I always believed in the saying -“Dreams once converted into goals become achievable”.   Jotting down the goals The family has three sets of goals...
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