31 March 2021

Living With A Small Corpus

Juzer Gabajiwala
Retirement often stares at us if we are not cautious enough of its repercussions because the corpus accumulated often decides how comfortable our life would be. In the last two decades, medical advancement has improved our life expectancy to over 80 years. However, the retirement age has remained the same, putting a strain on the resources. We often end up with a small corpus owing to improper planning, late investing, financial crises, or unforeseen circumstances. We still have to tackle the growing inflation. Hence, despite a small corpus, with proper care, we can still lead a happy retirement life. Here’s how. Cut Unwanted Expenses It would be meaningful if we stick to only basic expenses and ignore the things, which are not really important. Let’s make a list of expenses that can be reduced. Medical insurance is a critical expense that cannot be ignored in the old...
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