31 March 2021

Light The #FIRE

Gaurav Rastogi
If you are an avid financial reader, then chances are that you have stumbled upon the term – FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) – a movement that is spreading like a wildfire in the last few years. This concept is a life hack for the younger generation who want to escape their jobs early. It is a lifestyle movement to achieve financial independence and make enough money for a sustainable retirement when you are much young, by following an extreme saving and investing technique. The ideology behind FIRE originated in the US and some of its concepts were first published in a 1992 book, Your Money or Your Life, co-written by Vicki Robin and Jon Dominguez, who propagated the idea of living frugally and deriving income from investments to achieve financial independence early on in life. It has two elements of financial planning – Financial Independence (FI) and...
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