12 May 2019

Leadership And The Power Of Numbers

Farzana Suri
There are leaders and then there are leaders. Those who want to roll up their sleeves and help you and those who dictate. Those who hound you with repeated reminders with the expectation that it will get the work done. And, those who sow the seed and stand by to see you make it happen. Watching from afar, yet ready to reach over, in case you trip and fall. What defines leadership styles? As a numerologist coach, I relate leadership patterns to numbers of your date of birth. Numerology, a 4500-year-old science indicates that your birth date has a bearing on your personality. It is a psychometric tool used to understand your core beliefs, talent and traits. Add up all your date of birth numbers. Take for example, your birth date is 6.11.1975. Then add 6+1+1+1+9+7+5 = 30 and reduce the number to a single digit, that is 3+0=3. 3 is your Life Path and determines your purpose and, therefore...
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