03 October 2022

Know How To Invest To Create Wealth

Soumyajit Ghosh
Age is just a number when it comes to starting something good; whether it is a decision to start eating healthy, exercising regularly, acquiring a new skill, or even running a marathon. So why is it that investing in a disciplined manner looks like an uphill task even at the age of forty? Most often people who start investing late think that they have missed the bus, but the reality remains that irrespective of one’s life stage, one can course correct and start investing. Every individual has a unique life journey. For many, the initial years of their careers would be the phase of shouldering various financial responsibilities leaving little leeway for savings and investments. Just like any other tedious task, half the battle is won when an individual decides to take measures to organise one’s money matters. Today, thanks to the presence of seasoned financial planners,...
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