02 August 2021

It Takes A Tap To Bank

Madhuparna Roy Sukul
You can’t escape the long queue of people with each one of them waiting to ask a dozen questions to the man at the counter. No matter how hard it is, you have to fill up the small boxes using the best of your calligraphic skills on those rectangular pieces of paper if you want to square your deal. You can’t say no to a formal, official letter in black and white if you need to authorise someone to fill in for you. And, lastly you must practise your signature a hundred times if you want your cheque to be processed at one go. That’s the bank pre-millennial Indians have seen and grown up with. All this was normal for them, all the sulking and cursing stowed in. As the pandemic split the world into two, many pre-Covid practices began transforming into their post-Covid neo-normal avatars. That made the beginning of a bull run for the digital-only banks. The brick-and-mortar...
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