05 September 2023

Is Mutual Fund Or Equity Investing A Sure Shot Way To Get Rich?

Radhika Gupta
First of all, you need to define what rich is—it may be different for different people. For most people, however, it may be about being able to comfortably fund the major events and goals of their lives. If it’s about meeting all your life goals conveniently and living a hassle-free and comfortable life, then equity mutual funds are indeed a sure-shot way to get rich. Direct equity investment may generate more returns, but investing directly also requires one to have the requisite skills to read financial data and track ongoing market developments actively. People in full-time jobs may not have enough time to do so. For such people, equity mutual funds can prove to be of great help, as it allows them to offload their equity investing task of choosing the right stocks and investments to the fund managers of the scheme. Choosing the right mutual fund schemes and linking them...
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