01 October 2021

Is It Based On Fear Or Knowledge?

Larissa Fernand
A voracious appetite for the yellow metal has been developed among humans due to its wide distribution throughout the geologic world. It became prevalent in virtually all human cultures dating back millennia. Descriptions of the metal appeared in hieroglyphs as early as 2600 B.C. Starting from the Egyptians’ insatiable lust for the metal to Bulgarian archaeologists excavating gold treasures in pre-historic graves. When King Amenhotep III ruled Ancient Egypt, it had become the richest and most powerful nation on earth. Considered as the symbol of eternity and ‘flesh of the Gods’, gold was his biggest weapon. The letters that went back and forth from pharaoh’s court showed the kings were willing to trade their daughters for gold. One of them is to have said, “In your country gold is like dust and you can just gather it up. If it is your intention that a...
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