24 June 2019

Importance Of Money Education

Abhijit Bhave
What will my child do when he grows up?!”—This is a concern, parents constantly grapple with. It is more evident in the Indian society, where the umbilical cord virtually does not get cut even as the child steps into adulthood. This concern encompasses the wish that they should do well financially along with being healthy and happy. It is very important for parents to realise that they create a strong foundation by shaping their child’s attitude towards money during their growing years. There are different ways of doing this depending on the age of the child and can start as early as kindergarten when the child learns to count. For example, make them put some coins in a piggy bank regularly to help them understand the  value of savings. The approach needs to evolve as the child grows. Many times children accompany parents to supermarkets or grocery stores. You can...
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