05 September 2023

How To Know Your Portfolio Performance?

Lovaii Navlakhi
Is There A Way By Which I Can Know How My portfolio Is Doing? Before you start investing, you should have a target in mind. The target could be in terms of absolute returns, or relative returns beating a benchmark, or it could be the availability of funds to meet certain goals without compromising on the investments. It’s best that your advisors knows about those targets as they will construct your portfolio accordingly keeping your target objective in mind. One of the normal expectations of a new investor is to make returns (lots of it), not to lose any money (or beat the fixed deposit rate) and have the option to withdraw at any time a part or the whole of the portfolio. But we know that there is no single investment product that will meet all these criteria. That is precisely the reason why we need to create a portfolio which has different products for different needs. This...
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