31 March 2023

How To Fortify Your Finances

Larissa Fernand
Financial stress weighs heavy on the mind. While there are uncertainties that we can do nothing about, there are numerous issues within our control that can help us combat the anxiety. Let me use a historical narration to set the foundation and drive home the point. During WWI, France suffered terribly at the hands of Germany, and 5 per cent of the country’s total population perished in the war. The cost was severe both economically and psychologically. Not wanting to ever be this vulnerable again, France built the Maginot Line—a 280-mile-long defensive barrier of concrete bunkers, constructed along its eastern border with Germany. While its purpose was to be a formidable defence on the French-German frontier, it did not cover the French-Belgian border. The assumption being that should Germany try to enter France by attacking through Belgium, other European powers would...
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