07 June 2022

How The Pandemic Has Redefined VUCA At Every Stage

Kundan Kishore
In 2020, the world woke up to an unprecedented scale of turmoil with no end in sight. The word ‘pandemic’ entered the global lexicon surpassing language barriers and geographical boundaries. As infection rates soared and governments of numerous countries started implementing stay-at-home orders, the world as we knew it changed overnight and the humdrum of human existence was reduced to an eerie silence. The global economy found itself in choppy waters with supply chains being disrupted, businesses having to either shut shop, adapt, or embrace the digital path overnight and stock markets tumbled. The concept of VUCA — which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity – became an appropriate lens to encapsulate the milieu brought about by the coronavirus in 2020. VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Wikipedia says...
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