30 April 2023

Here’s How To Reactivate Your Dormant Bank Account

Versha Jain
A lot of people end up having multiple bank savings accounts, for reasons such as job change, relocation, the account holder’s death, etc. Some of these accounts are forgotton and become dormant when there are no transactions for over two years. Data from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) shows that 10.24 crore accounts were dormant for over 10 years, with Rs 34,012 crore unclaimed deposits, as of February 2023. The process of finding and reactivating such an account could be tedious, especially for nominees and heirs. RBI has now stepped in to ease the process. In the recent monetary policy announcement, RBI announced the launch of a centralised web portal where people can search for their accounts instead of checking with banks’ portals separately. At present, the depositor must visit the website of a particular bank and look for any dormant account with their name and...
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