06 December 2020

Goodbye Tension, Hello Pension

Sujan Sinha
Retirement, superannuation! These are words that seem to be distant and unreal when a senior executive is engrossed in work; be it for chasing business targets or closing deals, mentoring future leaders or creating value for the organisation by dint of sheer diligence, application and intelligence. Speaking from personal experience, you suddenly assume the significance when terms like succession planning, seamless transition are discussed in the corridors of power. Then the realisation dawns that your executive career is drawing to a close and the life that you have known is now setting. While dealing with the emotional aspects of impending retirement is a challenge by itself, a lot of time and effort need to be dedicated in planning out how to deal with the financial implications. This process has to commence early, maybe even a decade ahead of the scheduled date while the going is...
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