31 March 2021

Gold, Brewed Best If Vintage

Jay Sagar
In India, jewellery, in particular pieces which reflect an ingrained vintage, is not only considered a high-value asset but is rather wedded with one’s personal history and heirloom legacy. It would be an understatement to merely quote that vintage jewellery has a charm that no modern jewellery can flaunt. Apart from the visual appeal, factors such as the designs and the manufacturing techniques form important mainstays of vintage jewellery. Even with all the computer-aided possibilities, the symmetry and finishing observed in old pieces cannot be replicated. Vintage jewels command a premium, and as seen with results in various auctions, the prices realised for vintage jewels is far above the attributed estimates. It is indeed incredibly fascinating to see the profound and personal connection people share with their jewellery in India. The valuation of vintage jewellery is...
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