30 November 2022

Freedom SIP Way To Go For Financial Discipline & Security

Pranav Muzumdar
The famous existentialist Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves,” and even today, more than 150 years later, this sentiment remains extremely relevant. As early as childhood, people begin to dream about a time when they would be free from the responsibilities of school, college, having to make their own decisions and the like. While starting a career does bring a semblance of freedom, it comes at a price—now one has to take care of their own bills, buy their own groceries, and try to save some money. These can be considered as the responsibilities that come along with freedom and help people become more independent. Financial freedom is, undoubtedly, one of the key contributors in a person’s independence, so if you are in the stage of life where you are free and taking care of yourself, it is important that you make...
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