28 July 2022

Freedom From Tax

Meghna Maiti
But in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” This quote by Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, holds true even today. If you are earning an income, you can’t escape paying taxes, after you have crossed a certain threshold. Literally, there is no freedom from taxes, but minimising it and getting a handle on it so that you don’t get stuck in reams of paperwork and complexities of calculations, could provide some semblance of freedom. “Tax is unavoidable. Hence, we have to take it as part and parcel of financial planning. If you’ve planned your taxes properly, you won’t feel the stress. The idea is to incorporate tax planning as a part of your bigger financial life goal, so that you do not feel stressed about tax,” says Kalpesh Ashar, certified financial planner and a Sebi-registered...
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