03 September 2022

Five Things To Focus On Before Investing In MFs

Milind Chitnis
IInvesting in mutual funds is one of the most successful and profitable ways to generate returns and build long-term corpus. As a beginner, knowing what is important while choosing funds can make your investment journey easier. Here are some of the things you should focus on and others you should avoid before investing in mutual funds. Things To Focus On Identifying Goals – Decide what you are saving for & divide your goals into short term and long term.  Examples of short-term goals are buying a bike year down the road while long term goals are like retirement. Evaluate your comfort zone in taking on risk. Asset Allocation: Asset allocation involves dividing your investments among different assets, such as stocks, bonds, and cash. The allocation that works best for you changes at different times in your life, depending on the goal for which you are investing, investment...
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