15 May 2019

“FIREd” UP Sundown @40

Sampurna Majumder
Retirement is a subjective concept but an early retirement is a definitive decision. It is linked to financial independence, unlocked by the drudgery of slogging five days a week and a stop to an active work life at the age of 60. Naren and his wife Sugandha, a software engineer and hospitality professional respectively, quit their jobs, at 32 and 29 and decided to pursue, what they call, their ‘dream’. “We are personally motivated by freedom and control, and what early retirement gives us. When we started on this path we had seven years of expenses saved up, and were debt free. It gave us enough courage to quit our jobs and pursue our interests”, says Naren. Early retirement is not about quitting work altogether but instead it is more about earning the freedom to do something you are passionate about. Your social circle will slowly realize that you are becoming...
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