31 December 2022

Financial Wellness: Wealth Alone Can’t Ensure Your Overall Well-Being

Larissa Fernand
Some people mock this concept of a New Year’s resolution. The argument being that if you want to do something, you will not wait for a particular date in a specific month to begin it. This reasoning is solid if you don’t consider the psychological aspect. The New Year gives a sense of renewal and an opportunity to hit the reset button. It promises a fresh start and the impression of a clean slate. John Norcross, chairperson of the Department of Psychology at the University of Scranton, the US, is often cited for this, as he had pointed out that humans have practised it for a long time. The Romans made resolutions of good conduct to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named, while the Babylonians began each year by pledging to pay debts and return borrowed items. At the start of 2023, it would be nice to make a resolution to attain financial wellness. And by that,...
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