28 February 2023

Fight Self-Doubt And Be Unapologetic About Who You Are

Meghna Maiti
Shweta Jain | Age 40 | CEO and Founder, Investography Assets Under Advice Rs 65 crore Practising Since 2003 *** When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is.”—Oscar Wilde Shweta Jain, 40, founder of Investography, a financial planning firm, swears by that quote from her favourite author. But she says she would rather replace the word “important” with “empowering” based on her experiences with money through her life. Unlike most children growing up in the early 1990s, Jain was familiar with the stock market. Back then, when only a handful of people knew who a stock market broker was and what did he or she do, Jain’s father worked as a sub-broker. “He used to go to the stock exchange, and I found that very exciting. At the age of 10, I knew how to fill up initial public...
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