07 November 2019

Building A Nest Egg For Rainy Days

Anagh Pal
We all have read and heard leaders and emminent personalities talking about their well chalked out plan in order to achieve success. And it holds true for one and for all! Whether it is preparing for an exam, or preparing for a performance or for that matter achieving your goals in life, having a plan in place is very essential. Needless to say, the same applies when it comes to achieving our financial goals as well. However, the importance of having wealth (money) has been debated by philosophers since centuries. Right from Aristotle to Soren Kierkegaard to Karl Marx have had their take on the importance of possessing wealth. Nonetheless, we all understand  what value ‘money’ holds.  But how do we go about creating the wealth we aspire to achieve?  How do we grow the money that we earn? Well, the answer lies in having a proper financial plan in place and...
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