28 December 2021

Bonding With Bonds: How To Use The Direct Bond Route

Joydeep Sen
When it comes to investments in bonds, we think mutual funds (MFs), and for valid reasons. Having said that, investors should be aware of the direct bond route, the advantages it offers and the process of investment. Though the secondary bond market in India is institutional or wholesale as trades happen in very large lot sizes, there are certain entities, for example, broking outfits or non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), which deal in corporate bonds and make these available in lot sizes that are not as big. Usually, these entities deal in lot sizes fit for high networth individuals (HNIs), but they also cater to the mass affluent segment and some of them, even to the retail segment. One interesting development here is that digital technology is helping broaden the reach of this market as it imparts the convenience of investing at your comfort, without human intervention. The...
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